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Commercial names
BRGM is the author of the ECHANT, BILCO and USIM PAC software.
CASPEO is the publisher of the process engineering and simulation software range: ECHANT, BILCO and USIM PAC.
CASPEO is the author and publisher of the INVENTEO integrated solution for metal accounting.
Flite Software is the author and publisher of FLUIDFLOW, software to calculate pipe flow pressure drop.
CASPEO™ and INVENTEO are trademarks of SARL CASPEO.
ECHANT™, BILCO™ and USIM™ are commercial trademarks of BRGM.
FLUIDFLOW™ is a trademark of Flite Software.
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Concerning the personal data collected on the site, please go to the privacy policy page to learn more.
CASPEO provides trusted process design and optimization services and simulation software to engineers dealing with solids and all types of raw materials. With CASPEO, go beyond process simulation.
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