Expert in process engineering

Use sciences to solve real-world engineering problems

For over 15 years, CASPEO helps engineers and scientists to enhance their plants processing complex raw materials. Expert in process engineering, we deliver process simulation software and independent consulting services for various industries. Our goal: help you to find the most cost-effective option to design and improve your process. Discover our unique approach in process engineering, beyond process simulation.

Our story began in the mineral processing industry

CASPEO is a French SME created in 2004 by Marie-Véronique Durance and Stéphane Brochot, expert in process engineering and IT.

Spin-off of BRGM, the French geological survey, the raison d’être of CASPEO was to offer to the mining industry methods and computational tools, fruit of years of research: “ sciences to enhance your resources ”.

This is how CASPEO became a reference in the mineral processing industry.

Today, CASPEO serves various markets such as mining and metallurgy, biomass and food processing, solid waste treatment and other processing industries.

More than 300 customers worldwide have choosen CASPEO as engineering expert: processing plants, engineering firms, R&D centers as well as universities. And you?

CASPEO process engineering expert in mineral processing

Why choose our process engineering office?

15 years of experience

Double expertise in process and IT

Objective and independent engineers

Worldwide partners network

Unique approach

Material and process modeling

Beyond process simulation

Customized to your needs

Complete offer

Combination of software and services

At each stage of the process life-cycle

Advanced and multi-language tools

Combine computer-aided and process engineering

CASPEO provides process simulation software. CASPEO is the publisher of the USIM PAC, BILCO & ECHANT engineering software. We also develop the INVENTEO metallurgical accounting solution. We are the distributor of FLUIDFLOW, a pipe sizing and pressure drop software.

CASPEO offers also independent and objective consulting services from the earliest stages of the project design to its operation.

In addition, our activities include training in process engineering.

By combining our expertise in computer-aided and process engineering, we help you to find the most cost-effective process design and improve the performance and the energy efficiency of your plant. Our goal: turn operational data into valuable information.

CASPEO - Let's go beyond process simulation

Sciences to achieve operational excellence

We believe sciences may solve real-world engineering problems.

We think process simulation, well applied, improves the plant design and its efficiency, profitability and sustainability.

Our strength: a multi-disciplinary approach based on mathematical modeling, chemical and process engineering and IT.

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Empower your decision beyond traditional process simulation

  • A unique approach…

CASPEO know-how consists not only in process modeling and simulation. Our approach goes beyond simulation. We believe to support decision-making, accurate data being the key. That is why we also propose sampling, data reconciliation, mass balancing and piping software and expertise.

Another aspect of our approach: to characterize both material and unit operations at a whole.

  • … Allowing to deal with complex and variable raw materials

Based on our experience with solids, we have transferred our approach to any process industry dealing with materials that are difficult to model: ores, food and feed, waste, mixtures…

Benefits of the flexibility of an SME

with the expertise of a large company

Working with us means to find an adaptable and flexible partner.

  • Our team works with you, and not for you.
  • Benefit from a direct working relationship with our consultants.
  • Obtain a more individualized service and then a more customized solution.
  • Our engineering experts make a point of honor to share and transfer their knowledge.
  • We are used to solve unusual and complex problems.

Last, but not least! We use our products. Process engineers like you, we live and know exactly your needs.

Sure, you will enjoy working with us!

CASPEO process engineers team

Support you with innovative process solutions


Looking ahead to the future, CASPEO endeavours to maintain a research and development activity. In this way, our engineers always bring you the latest, state-of-the-art technologies to optimize your process.

As an expert in process engineering, CASPEO is involved in confidential bilateral industrial projects as well as in public funded collaborative projects. We support innovative projects at the early stage as well as during process development, scale-up and optimization with technical-economic studies, process analysis, mathematical modeling and computer simulation…

Below are some R&D projects in which our researchers have been involved.

CASPEO - Process engineering experts in mineral processing

Mineral processing

  • BioMine: development of pilot monitoring and modelling of an ore bioleaching process (as
      subcontractor of BRGM)
  • CEReS: co-processing of coal mine and electronic waste, novel resources for a sustainable future
  • ITERAMS H2020: Integrated Mineral Technologies for More Sustainable Raw Material Supply water
    mass balances and process modelling

Waste processing

  • AWAST: modelling of various unit operations in urban waste processing
  • TRIPLE project: simulation-based optimization of WEEE sorting
CASPEO - Process engineering experts in waste processing optimization
CASPEO - Process engineering experts in biomass processing for microalgae

Biomass processing

  • BISIGIDOS: modelling of a photobioreactor for microalgae and of the downstream process for producing added-value molecules
  • SYNTHONS: simulation-based optimization of vegetal extraction processes

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Question about your process, our process simulation software or services? Write us here to be in touch.

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CASPEO process simulation software and services

CASPEO provides trusted process design and optimization services and simulation software to engineers dealing with solids and all types of raw materials. With CASPEO, go beyond process simulation.

Stay tuned!

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